NCERT Solutions Class 7 Maths Chapter 6 The Triangle and Its Properties Exercise 6.3

The Triangle and Its Properties

Exercise 6.3


1). Find the value of the unknown x in the following diagrams:


by angle sum property of a triangle

 mÐA + mÐB + mÐC = 1800

 x + 500 + 600 = 1800

 x + 1100 = 1800

 x  = 1800 – 1100

x  = 700


by angle sum property of a triangle

 mÐP + mÐQ + mÐR = 1800

 900 + 300 + x   = 1800

 x + 1200 = 1800

 x = 1800 – 1200

x = 600



by angle sum property of a triangle

 mÐX + mÐY + mÐZ = 1800

 300 + 1100 + x   = 1800

 x + 1400 = 1800

 x = 1800 – 1400

x = 400



by angle sum property of a triangle

  x + x + 500 = 1800

 2x + 500 = 1800

 2x = 1800 – 500

2x = 1300

x = 130/2

x = 650


by angle sum property of a triangle

  x + x + x = 1800

3x = 1800

x = 1800 /3

x = 600


by angle sum property of a triangle

 x + 2x + 900 = 1800

 3x = 1800 – 900

3x = 900

x = 900/3

x = 300

Ans: x = 300

        2x = 600

2). Find the value of the unknown x and y in the following figures:


the sum of interior opposite angles = exterior angle

 500 + x = 1200

 x = 1200 – 500

 x = 700

by angle sum property of a triangle

 500 + x + y   = 1800

500 + 700 + y   = 1800

y + 1200 = 1800

 y = 1800 – 1200

y = 600

Ans: x = 700

        y = 600


vertically opposite angles are congruent

  y = 800

by angle sum property of a triangle

 500 + x + y   = 1800

500 + x + 800   = 1800

x + 1300 = 1800

 x = 1800 – 1300

x = 500

Ans: x = 500

        y = 800


the sum of interior opposite angles = exterior angle

 500 + 600 = x

 x = 500 + 600

 x = 1100

by angle sum property of a triangle

 500 + 600 + y   = 1800

1100 + y   = 1800

y = 1800 – 1100

 y = 700

Ans: x = 1100

        y = 700


vertically opposite angles are congruent

  x = 600

by angle sum property of a triangle

  x + y + 300 = 1800

600 + y + 300   = 1800

y + 900 = 1800

 y = 1800 – 900

y = 900

Ans: x = 600

        y = 900


vertically opposite angles are congruent

  x = 900

by angle sum property of a triangle

  x + x + 900 = 1800

2x + 900= 1800

2x = 1800 – 900

2x =  900

x = 900 / 2

x= 450

Ans: x = 450

        y = 900


vertically opposite angles are congruent

  x = y

by angle sum property of a triangle

  x + x + x = 1800

3x = 1800

x = 1800 /3

x =  600

x = y

y = 600

Ans: x = 600

        y = 600

Click here for the solutions of

Exercise 6.1

Exercise 6.2

Exercise 6.3

Exercise 6.4

Exercise 6.5

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Exercise 4.2

Exercise 4.3

Exercise 4.4

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