NCERT Solutions Std 6 Maths Knowing Our Numbers Exercise 1.2 Try These

Knowing Our Numbers

Page 12

Try These

1). How many centimetres make a kilometre?

Ans: 100000 centimetres make a kilometer.

2). Name five large cities in India. Find their population. Also, find the distance in kilometres between these cities.

The five largest cities in India and their population (approximately)  is as follows:

1). Mumbai – 12 million 

2). Delhi – 11 million

3). Bengalooru – 8 million

4). Hyderabad – 6 million

5). Ahmadabad – 5 millions


Page 13

1). How many milligrams make one kilogram?

Ans: 1 kilogram= 1000 grams

       1gram = 1000 milligrams

      Therefore, 1 kilogram = 1000 X 1000

                                   = 1000000

     1000000 milligrams make one kilogram.

2). A box contains 2,00,000 medicine tablets each weighing 20mg. What is the total weight of all the tablets in the box in grams and in kilograms?

Weight of each tablet = 20 mg

Total number of tablets in the box = 200000

Weight of all the tablets = 200000 X 20 = 4000000 mg

             (1 gram = 1000 mg)

Therefore, 4000000 mg = 4000000 ÷ 1000

                                     = 4000 grams

(1 kg = 1000 g)

Therefore 4000 g = 4000 ÷ 1000

                           = 4 kg



Try these

1). A bus started and reached different places with a speed of 60 km/hour. The journey is shown on page 14.

i). Find the total distance covered by the bus from A to D.

Total distance covered by the bus from A to D = distance from A to B + distance from B to C + distance from C to D

                                = 4170 + 3410 + 2160

                                = 9740 km

ii). Find the total distance covered by the bus from D to G.

Total distance covered by the bus from D to G = distance from D to E + distance from E to F + distance from F to G

                                = 8140 + 4830 + 2550

                                = 15520 km


iii). Find the total distance covered by the bus, if it starts from A and returns back to A?

 The total distance covered by the bus, if it starts from A and returns back to A

  = 4170 + 3410 + 2160 + 8140 + 4830 + 2550 + 1290

            = 26550 km


iv). Can you find the difference of distances form C to D and D to E?

Page 14

2). Find the time taken by bus to reach

a). A to B

   speed of the bus = 60 km per hour

   distance from A to B = 4170 km

   time taken = distance travelled /speed of the bus

                     = 69 hours 30 min


b). C to D

    speed of the bus = 60 km per hour

   distance from C to D = 2160 km

   time taken = distance travelled /speed of the bus

                     = 36 hours

c). E to G  

    speed of the bus = 60 km per hour

   distance from E to G = 4830 + 2550 = 7380 km

   time taken = distance traveled/speed of the bus

                     = 123 hours



d). Total journey.

    speed of the bus = 60 km per hour

   distance from C to D = 26550 km

   time taken = distance travelled /speed of the bus

                     = 36 hours


2). Raman’s shop

Things Price The sales during the last year
Apples Rs 40 per kg 2457 kg
Oranges Rs 30 per kg 3004 kg
Combs Rs 3 per one 22760
Toothbrushes Rs 10 per one 25367
Pencils Rs 1 per one 38530
Notebooks Rs 6 per one 40002
Soap cakes Rs 8 per one 20005


a). can you find the total weight of apples and oranges Raman sold last year?

Weight of apples = 2457 kg

Weight of oranges = 3004 kg

Therefore, total weight = 2457 + 3004

                               = 5461 kg

Answer: The total weight of apples and oranges = 5461kg


b). Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples?

  Weight of apples = 2457 kg

 Cost of apples = Rs 40 per kg

 Money obtained by selling apples = 2457 X 40

                                                    = 98280


 c). Can you find the total money Raman got by selling apples and oranges together?

  Weight of apples = 2457 kg

 Cost of apples = Rs 40 per kg

 Money obtained by selling apples = 2457 X 40

                                                    = 98280

Weight of oranges = 3004 kg

 Cost of oranges = Rs 30 per kg

 Money obtained by selling oranges = 3004 X 30

                                                    = 90120

Total money obtained by selling apples and oranges

                                                                  = 98280 + 90120

                                                                   = 188400

d). Make a table showing how much money Raman received from selling each item. Arrange the entries of amount of money received in descending order. Find the item which brought him the highest amount. How much is this amount?

Money received for each item in descending order is as follows:


Things Price The sales during the last year Total amount received
Toothbrushes Rs 10 per one 25367 Rs 253670
Notebooks Rs 6 per one 40002 Rs 240012
Soap cakes Rs 8 per one 20005 Rs 160040
Apples Rs 40 per kg 2457 kg Rs 98280
Oranges Rs 30 per kg 3004 kg Rs 90120
Combs Rs 3 per one 22760 Rs 68280
Pencils Rs 1 per one 38530 Rs 38530


 Toothbrushes have bought more amount of money for Raman. The amount of money received by selling toothbrushes is Rs 2,53,670.


Knowing Our Numbers

Exercise 1.1

Exercise 1.2

Exercise 1.3


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